The Ability to Create
Updated: Dec 11, 2024
The ability to create is imbedded in each one of us. Like it was in the garden of Eden, so it is now. We create in accordance to God’s will, what we see Him do and what we hear Him say. Because our desires and passions have been fine tuned and aligned to Him, we are able to create what we desire because what we desire is what He desires! Again, it is not all about us but Him and what He desires.
We are not able to do as He does because we are not renewed in our desires, our passions, our thoughts and our imaginations. We have not been transformed to physically manifest what We See and Hear. We have the power to create inside of us. So therefore, if we can create then what truly do we need besides God himself?
Just because we can doesn’t mean we should! Self control and discipline and knowing who you are is an integral part of this. This is our call; to BECOME like Him and live like He did and He would. Jesus never had to own anything because whatever was needed, He CREATED!!! He spoke and it was so!
Step out, break free of the limitations in your mind and CREATE.
I would love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment below and let’s talk 😊
Love, Chocolate cake & Ice Cream,
Yika ❤️